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You don\'t know the application field of membrane panel

2023-02-15 19:16:58

You don't know the application field of membrane panel

Membrane panels are very common in the field of household appliances and various industrial products, and have decorative and functional control panel signs. The film panel is made of PVC, PC, PET, PMMA and other plastic materials. The customized graphics, text, transparent window, color or required concave-convex are printed by screen printing, and double-sided adhesive is pasted on the back to produce plastic products for identification, control panel and protection.

Membrane panel

You don't know the application field of membrane panel

Membrane panels are very common in the field of household appliances and various industrial products, and have decorative and functional control panel signs. The film panel is made of PVC, PC, PET, PMMA and other plastic materials. The customized graphics, text, transparent window, color or required concave-convex are printed by screen printing, and double-sided adhesive is pasted on the back to produce plastic products for identification, control panel and protection.

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