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Characteristics and application fields of thin film panel

2022-03-22 10:28:06

Features and applications of the polyvinyl chloride panel, a new type of ECO friendly material made from polyvinyl chloride and polycarbonate. In the use of PVC membrane plate, different natural environmental standards or physical standards will lead to different results. By using polyvinyl chloride, and understanding many aspects, manufacturers of membrane panel switches can make polyvinyl chloride more powerful for home appliances. Because of the nature of the polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl chloride polymer materials have round feel, high tensile strength, matte surface, easy to peel off walls or materials, heat resistance, high temperature thermal printing, not easy to deformation, glue, ink drops, easy laser cutting and so on. This makes polyvinyl chloride panels more common. Membrane panel switch price is the application field of membrane panel products, membrane panel is very common in household appliances and various industrial products industry. Is widely used in recent years of decorative arts, but also a multi-functional operation of the panel symbol. Widely used in medical equipment, CNC lathes, electronic scales, household refrigerators, microwave ovens, electric fans, automatic washing machines, rice cookers, electric water heaters, exhaust hood and other industrial production and household appliances industry. According to the industrial production or home appliance industry, adjust the film panel switch manufacturers paste method: First, pasted surfaces or inclined surfaces must be scrubbed clean (custom panels should notify online customer service to apply for product surface materials and select different types of double-sided tape for different materials) , to ensure that the surface of the paste flat, non-convex, clean. The Z is vertically centered on the surface of the device. Disassembly method: The warm air object can be moved at 150-160 °C by using the hot air welding torch. The PVC control film plate must be disassembled for 10-15 seconds for heating, Cooling and disassembly.

Membrane panel

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