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What is the FPC film key switch?

2022-10-22 00:00:00

What is the FPC film key switch?

FPC film key switch generally refers to the flexible circuit board

The Flexible Printed Circuit (FPC) is a highly reliable and excellent flexible printed circuit board made of polyimide or polyester film. It has the characteristics of high density, light weight, thin thickness and good bending.

To give you a brief overview of the functional advantages of the FPC: FPC Flexible Circuit Board (FPC), as the name suggests, has the flexion function, and can be Printed in three-dimensional mode. Therefore, in theory, the whole wiring work can be completed with only one FPC /FPC soft board in one machine. Because the use of FPC flexible circuit board /FPC soft board can omit many connectors or wires, can greatly reduce the volume of wiring, so can make electronic products to achieve the goal of miniaturization, lightweight. In addition, FPC flexible circuit board /FPC soft board can be assembled many parts, and can be incorporated in the machine in the gap, so the design of a perfect circuit, without any into the chassis after the welding, adjustment work, invisible greatly reduced the cost.

FPC film key switch

FPC flexible circuit board design is simple, small size, can be directly connected, in the electronic product market has a great space for development. Among them, FPC flexible circuit board is widely used in mobile phones, which has a high degree of fit with mobile phone batteries, display screens, touch screens and cameras. It is mainly dominated by double panels and rigid flexion binding boards. Its thin and short advantages save a lot of space for the internal of mobile phones. The traditional connection mode is either complex line, or has special electrical requirements, but also needs to deal with a lot of signals, the application is very inconvenient, with FPC flexible circuit board, can greatly simplify the mobile phone internal connection line, play a stable electrical transmission.

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