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What problems should be paid attention to in the use of FPC film key switch?

2022-10-28 00:00:00

What problems should be paid attention to in the use of FPC film key switch?

Generally, FPC film key switch is a new type of electronic component that uses a monolithic seal structure consisting of flat and multiple layers to seal the key switch, panel, marker, symbol display and liner together. It has the characteristics of long service life, beautiful appearance and wide application. So what problems should we pay attention to when using such a film switch?

1. When using, the surface should be kept clean and not bulging. Clean and properly dispose of dust and oil before and after use.

2. The bubble film is lined between the film switch, which is generally used to reduce the pressure of the key and prevent the failure of the key, so it is necessary to keep it well and do not discard it at will.

FPC film key switch

3. The front and back transparent film is to protect the display window, do not tear it off easily.

4. After taking out part of the membrane switch, do not bind it too tightly, bind it as it is.

5. The film surface paste and film switch with large feel need to be packed vertically to prevent pressing the button for a long time.

6. The lead out line should be well protected. The lead out line should not be placed downward.

7. If there is a display window, the material should be removed to prevent bending and leaving creases.

8. The film switch should be stored indoors at room temperature, and take measures to prevent dust and moisture. There should be no acidic, alkaline or other corrosive gases in the surrounding air.

This is what we need to pay attention to when using film switches. We should pay more attention when using, remember to comply with its rules and regulations when using, regularly maintain it, so as to ensure that the membrane switch can be used for a long time.

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